Engagement, Effectiveness, and Enthusiasm.

For a long time, I wondered how to introduce myself, what I do, and to whom I do it to.

When Avi Liran and I first launched our book at Jun 2021, I would introduce myself and what I do as “I interviewed 220 successful leaders from 37 countries across 6 continents to understand what leadership is.”

It accurately revealed what we did, and not much else in how it would be able to help you. Typically, others would ask what we learned from that journey because interviewing so many leaders across the world was a feat in itself.

About a year later in Jun 2022, I updated my introduction to “I make leadership simple”.

I realised the process of having developed 30 insights from my First Time Leadership book was that I was in a position to make leadership simple for others. This is a step in you knowing what I can do to help, but does not exactly point out who is my help intended for.

By Jan 2023, mindful that I needed to include a target audience into my introduction, it became “I enable junior managers to become leaders by making leadership simple.’

It was an improvement by including a specific target audience, and shares what I do. However still no clarity on the benefits or outcome that my audience gets.

Finally, in June 2023, after receiving some inspiration from a fellow speaker, and more reflection on what I do and whom to do it for, I now introduce myself as this:

“I enable team leaders to engage their teams with effectiveness and enthusiasm.”

This is probably the best introduction so far. It reveals the target audience I work with, and the specific benefits I can offer them, and does so in a crystal-clear one-liner.

Here is what it all means for you as a team leader:

Engagement– You engage your team as you only achieve results through them.

Effectiveness– When you know what to say, do, and decide, in the right context, you can motivate and inspire your team.

Enthusiasm– You want to be there to lead your team as their leader.

When all three ‘E’s are in place and you are able to go around the circle, then you are well placed to lead your team well.

That is the outcome for my participants when they work with me, and the basis for the First Time Leadership 3E model.

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